Committees of Council

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Welcome to the Committee Meeting Summary page. Here you will find a rundown of the decisions made at each Committee meeting. 

Share Your Voice. Get Involved!

Citizens and community members can get involved and make a difference in our community through membership on one of the four committees appointed by Town Council. Committees provide advice and recommendations to Council on a variety of issues, including Recreation and Facilities, Economic Development, Equity and Inclusion, and Lands Development.  Community Members are invited to take the opportunity to serve on a Committee. If you are interested in having an active role in shaping Norman Wells’ future, please email for more information.

Advancement of Equity and Inclusion Committee

The Advancement of Equity and Inclusion Committee is made up of five members of the community whom are appointed by Council and one member from Council.

The Town of Norman Wells Advancement of Equity and Inclusion Committee was established to promote the benefits of equity and inclusion; and encourage community residents to take part in programs as participants, leaders and organizers. The committee strives to participate in and assist with programs and community events.

Members:Melanie Harding, Kylie Frank, Jes Degryse.

Chair: Councillor Alexis Peachey

Administrative Support: Kayla Turner, Governance and Community Engagement Manager

Economic Development and Tourism Committee

The Economic Development and Tourism Committee is currently made up of six members of the community whom are appointed by Council and two members from Council.

The Committee may make recommendations to Council which address new and enhanced development and tourism opportunities and initiatives, thus increasing economic development and tourism for the Town of Norman Wells.  The committee is to provide recommendations on how to implement and achieve goals laid out in the Norman Wells Economic Development Strategic Plan.

To suggest Economic Development Opportunities for the Town of Norman Wells, click here.

Members: Joshua Earls.

Chair: Councillor Pascal Audet

Co Chair: Councillor Kacee Hunter

Administrative Support:

Recreation Committee

The Recreation Committee is made up of five members of the community whom are appointed by Council and two members from Council.

Members: Haiden Duncan, Barb Cote.

Chair: Councillor Trevor Smith

Co-Chair- Councillor Alexis Peachey

Administrative Support: Alex Millette, Recreation Director

Town Planning and Land Use Committee

The Town Planning and Land Use Committee is made up of four members of the community whom are appointed by Council and two members from Council.

Members: Cindy Collier, Melanie Harding, Jeff Walker.

Chair: Councillor Dave Wever

Co Chari: Councillor Kelly McCoy

Administrative Support: