Wildfire Protection Information

With wildfire season upon us and considering the extreme dry conditions in the area, we understand that the community may be feeling anxious. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize measures that enhance our preparedness and safety against potential wildfire threats.

The Town of Norman Wells is taking action by widening the existing fire break trail in accordance with the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). After careful consideration, the Town of Norman Wells Protective Services, in collaboration with GNWT ECC Manager of Forestry Operations, have identified specific locations for implementing proactive fire mitigation measures. We are aware of the CWPP and are proactively staying ahead of its recommendations.

It’s important to note that while there is still more work to be done, we recognize that focusing on these areas will have the most significant impact at this time. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that our resources are limited, and we must prioritize based on what is feasible within our current budget constraints.

Additionally, reimbursement from the Disaster Mitigation Assistance Fund may take several years, which further impacts our financial planning.

For more information, you can access the current versions of the CWPP for each community on the Government of Northwest Territories website via the following link: https://www.gov.nt.ca/ecc/en/services/wildfire-operations/community-wildland-fire-protection-plans/Community%20Wildland%20Fire%20Protection%20Plans%20-%20by%20community

Thank you for your understanding as we work together to mitigate wildfire risks and keep our community safe.

Contact Chief Brandon Scott if there are any questions or further clarification needed 867-688-0683.