Town of Norman Wells Council Update- Community Gathering Area

Council Committee Chairs and the Senior Management met on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 to discuss future plans for the ‘green space’ in between the log bridge and the Arctic Energy Alliance Building (lot 345 plan 1623). Councillor Peachey presented a design to committee chairs and senior management which was then later presented to Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 23, 2022. The layout and design for the space was prepared by the Recreation Committee.

The intended future purpose of the space is to have a central community gathering area which can be utilized all year round.

This project would also be a ‘mini kickstart’ to the Downtown Revitalization project which is highlighted in the Economic Development Strategic Plan, Community Plan, and Recreation Master Plan.

Ideas for the open space include:

*Community Fire Pit

*Seating area


*Community Gardens

*Relocation of half pipe and pump track

*Upgraded pathways


*Rick Myers Memorial

Council plans to conduct in person public/stakeholder engagement by hosting a community event during the summer months. Stay tuned for more information!