We have operated on fact in all areas of responsibility and where possible we are open to sharing information.
Town planning: Our community is at a crossroads in its history. Community input gathered reflected a collective understanding for the need for grounded planning. Thank-you all for your extensive engagement and input on each of these plans. Each of these plans has an implementation plan in place. Each of these plans can be viewed on our new website.
- Community plan
- Zoning Bylaw
- Recreation master plan and building condition assessments on recreation facilities
- Landfill Bylaw, work plan and future development
- Economic Development Strategic Plan
Council attended meetings and salaries: Payment for council and #meetings is based on a monthly stipend and there are no extra payments other than per diems and honorariums for out-of-town meetings and conferences.
Mayor at $21,000.00 per annum paid out at $1,750.00 per month.
Councillors at a total of $8,282.85 per month in total
- Alexis Peachy as Deputy Mayor at $18.000.00 per annum
- Each remaining councilor at $15,000.00 per annum
- Council meetings- approx. 78 meetings
- Ministerial- 5 meetings
- Public Hearings- 3
- Committee meetings- approx. 80 meetings
- For the 2020 year per diems and honorarium were as follows:
- Frank Pope – $4,201.70, most of which were for legal needs
- JP Bernard – $2,303.10
- Trevor Smith – $2,882.70
- David Wever – $1,934.00
For the full address visit https://normanwells.com/updates/state-of-the-town-address-term-report-to-the-community-of-norman-wells-from-mayor-and-council-2019-2021/