State of the Town Address: Part 2

State of the Town Address Part 2:

“We have operated on fact in all areas of responsibility and where possible we are open to sharing information.

COVID-19 Thanks to the community for understanding the limitations placed on us with COVID-19 restrictions, we could not have done it without you!

State of Emergency COVID-19 fourth wave management in conjunction with local, regional, and Territorial EOCs. We are proud of the fact we provided housing, volunteer management, food services and personal and community supports, real time communications, and management of the Community Emergence Response Committee We were financially and human resource ready. The loyalty and care of our staff and community volunteers are invaluable.
Sport and Recreation Programs and Events Since September 2020

Open Hockey

Parks Day

Youth Centre Initiatives

Meat and Tidy

Figure Skating

Public Skate

Family Skate

Disco Skates

Cross Country Skiing



Day Camps

Friday Night Sports

Basketball Development Programs

Cooking Classes

Arts and Crafts

Kid’s Movie



After School Fitness

Open Fitness

After School programs



Splash Day

Easter Events

Christmas Activities

Spring Fling

Canada Day

Parks Day

Youth Centre Initiatives

Meet and Tidy

Quality of life supports all provided at no extra cost to the community. These programs were and are consistently contributed to by our community members. Planning future facilitation of food bank, warming centre and daycare (either a drop-in, full-time or subsidized day home model) with interested parties and users. With partnerships we can succeed.

Again thank-you!

Community Gardens

Food pantry

Food support with food bank Canada”

For the full address visit