In preparation for the Landfill Expansion Project- the Public Works department and Landfill staff have been hard at work keeping the site clean, well maintained and organized.
Hazardous waste removal from the landfill to date in 2022:
• 18 totes of waste leachates and 23 skids of crushed barrels (each skid contained 25 crushed barrels) have been removed thanks to the help of Gerald Enns, Senior Technician of Waste Management with GNWT.
The Town would like to thank GNWT Department of Lands for the continued use of their barrel crusher. This project would normally cost the town upwards of $40,000, but thank you to GNWT Lands there was no cost to the Municipality.Since closing the gates, Public Works has been able to push garbage on average every 16 days. Prior to the gate being closed, the Landfill was being pushed 1-2 times per week.
Thank you Norman Wells for your help and proper dumping- you have helped keep the landfill maintained. We would also like to thank Green Enterprises for dumping in a consistent pattern to ensure that dedicated cells are being used to their full capacities!
We would like to thank residents and businesses for being so accommodating and understanding as we have shifted to a gated facility. Extended spring and summer hours will be announced in the coming weeks!
Transfer stations Reminders; one bin is labelled domestic/household garbage. This bin has a lid on it and should be used for household waste only. The second bin is for C/D waste, pallets, furniture etc . We thank you for using the bins appropriately!
For questions or feedback regarding the Solid Waste Management Site and Landfill Expansion, please call 867-587-3700 or email