Municipal Budgets 2022

The 2022 Capital and Operational Budgets have passed three readings by Council.

Operating budgets fund the day-to-day costs of delivering programs and services to the community.

Capital budgets pay for major project such as the chipseal project; building and improving public buildings such as recreation facilities (Penguin Palace), community centres, parks/trails, fire trucks, and other roadway improvements. Capital projects are typically subject to grant funding.

Plans that directly influence the budget:

The budget process, and the decisions that must be made on how to best lead the development of a safe, vibrant and sustainable municipality, are supported by the following plans:

  • Community Plan
  • Recreation Master Plan
  • Economic Development Strategic Plan
  • Building Condition Assessments

There has also been a 3.5% increase to Council’s Honoraria. The last increase to Council’s Honoraria was in 2017. Council has now written into the Council Honoraria By Law that each year, the salary of every Councillor will be adjusted by an amount determined by Council during budget deliberations to compensate for increases in the cost of living in Norman Wells. Council is not paid per meeting, they are paid an annual salary.

Council has designed the budget specifically to fund reserves which pay for major infrastructure projects. A reserves fund study will be complete in 2022 to determine which reserves should be funded immediately. In a municipal context, funds set aside for such projects are known as “reserves.” Reserves are to be funded annually as part of the operating and capital budgets to respond to unanticipated circumstances.

Highlights of the Operational Budget:

  • No residential or business tax increase
  • 3.5% cost of living increase to salary grid
  • 3.5% fee increase, including water rates
  • $10 garbage rate increase
  • No solid waste tipping fees

Highlights of the Capital Budget:

  • Penguin Palace Pool Upgrades
  • Chip seal project phase 2
  • Roadway and drainage improvements
  • Tube settler replacement (water plant)
  • Landfill expansion
  • Trans Canada trail upgrades

Paper copies of the approved budgets are available for pick up at the Town Office or available for review at

We would like to thank all residents who provided feedback relating to the 2022 Budgets!

Council, Mayor and Staff are available to answer any questions regarding the operational and capital budgets. Please email or call 867-587-3700.