Mayor and Council Legal Update

Date: January 27, 2023

Further to our correspondence published on January 25, 2023:

We understand that full transparency is the only way to bring truth to light; and in due time, this is what we intend to do.

The Town of Norman Wells has discontinued its lawsuit against Ms. Mallon, however, there remains an active claim against the Town by Ms. Mallon for outstanding pay and benefits from her time as SAO. The matter is still before the courts and, we are not at liberty to discuss our evidence in detail.

We are cognizant of the fact that Ms. Mallon intends to pursue a claim of malicious prosecution. We remain satisfied that the Town had and continues to have meritorious evidence supporting our original claim and we will vigorously defend ourselves against any such lawsuit.

As to the EPR report, we can say that all of our evidence to date is that MACA commissioned EPR to conduct a forensic audit to be relied upon by the Town for the purpose of litigation. Should the report be used as evidence in Ms. Mallon’s case or subsequent lawsuit, we look forward to hearing EPR’s explanation for any alleged deficiencies in the audit process and why they felt compelled to recant from an audit and report they were contracted by MACA to provide.

We will continue to keep you updated.


Mayor and Council for the Town of Norman Wells

Mayor Frank Pope at 867-688-0613
Councillor Dave Weaver at 403-352-9141