Aside from the regular business of departmental reports and minutes, Council has passed the third reading of the Town Planning and Land Use Committee By Law.
Council is pleased to have reappointed Cindy Collier, Dee Opperman, and Dave Wever as members of the Board of Revisions. The board is also excited to welcome Melanie Harding as a new member.
A draft version of the tire chains and chipseal by law will be circulated for public input starting the week of March 21, 2022.
Please review the by law and submit any comments you wish to share with council by:
Phone: 867-587-3700
Mail: PO Box 386, Norman Wells, NT X0E 0V0
In Person: Requests for delegations must be submitted to the Town Clerk ( no later than the Thursday prior to the preferred meeting by 5:00PM. Delegates must state the reason for the request to speak. Council may, at their discretion, accept or refuse a last minute delegation.
Council meeting minutes and agendas can be found at All committee and council meetings are currently open to the public and are also available via video conference.
Council has declared the afternoon of March 25th, 2022 a civic holiday! Come out and enjoy our annual spring fling carnival events. Full schedule to be posted soon.