The purpose of the Council Procedures By-Law is to establish rules to follow in governing the Town of Norman Wells, and to establish Committees. As per the CTV Act, 29 (f) and (h) Council may in its Procedures By-Law proscribe the behavior of council members and other persons present at meeting of council and its committees; and set expectations for the general transaction of its business.
The CTV Act 35. (1) allows that council may adopt a code ethics for council members.
A revised by law was strongly advised by MACA representatives after there were some concerns raised by a community member earlier this year.
Council has noted the need to be proactive in governing themselves; these amendments also provide a vehicle through which staff and community members can hold council to a higher standard of behavior in the conducting of corporate and council behavior.
A copy of the amended Council Procedures by law has also been provided to each nominee of the upcoming Municipal Election. To review the by law please follow the link below.