By Law is Reminding Riders to Make Safety a Priority

With warmer weather approaching, Norman Wells Protective Services is reminding all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) enthusiasts to make safety a priority when on the roads/trails this season.

We want to remind riders that the laws are in place to help keep everyone safe while enjoying the outdoors.

Here are some tips to ensure everyone’s safety when out on the trails:

  1. Start with safety training. This will prepare you to confidently and safely enjoy your ATV.
  2. Obey the rules of the road/trail and respect posted signs, as well as the rights of other riders.
  3. Ride sober. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a criminal offence and can lead to serious injuries or even death for riders, passengers and others.
  4. Always wear protective clothing, including a helmet, gloves and eye protection. Helmets are required, even if you are driving in a side-by-side.
  5. Tell someone when you are leaving and when you will be back. Avoid riding alone and carry a first aid kit, tow rope, overnight bag in case you need it.
  6. Do a pre-ride inspection every time you drive your ATV. Check the tires for wear and rims for damage. Look over your controls and made sure all cables and connections are intact.

For the All Terrain Vehicles By Law click here.

To contact By Law Enforcement call 867-445-8434 or email